Looking for a girlie chick flick to watch on a sleepover, while eating toffee popcorn and painting your nails? Look no further than Legally Blonde, the tale of confident and glamourous Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. And what she wants at the start of the film, is to win back the 'love of her life', aka Warner. The only way for Elle to achieve this dream is to go to Harvard Law School.
It's sounds predictable and slightly cheesy - this is because it is.
The storyline is - at times - hard to believe. For example, Elle successfully manages to get into Harvard because she sends the old, male proffessors a tape of her in numerous different bikinis. The whole film centers around the idea that, no matter how you look and what people think of you, you can achieve your dreams. Not that different to multiple other American teen movies.
The music throughout the film is probably the worst feature, it's repetitive and sounds like something I'd play musical bumps to when I was in primary school. I was also disappointed with most of Elle's outfits, you'd think a fashion student would know better. Her wardrobe consists of mainly pink items and she appears to have an accessory in every different shade of pink imaginable. However, the film teaches not to jude on appearances so I think I can ignore this minor flaw.
On the whole, it's quite a nice film. it brightened my mood a bit and I learnt that if you have an annoying little dog, a friend who will give you a manicure in every other scene and a fluffy pink pen; you can achieve anything.
I'd advise you to steer clear if you aren't a fan of chick flicks with predictabe storylines, but if you're looking for a happy, (if a little trashy) girly movie then I definitely reccomend Legally Blonde (and Legally Blonde 2 if you're uber keen).
Click here to view the IMDb page.
Click here to see the trailer.
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My husband, who is anti-chick flick, actually likes this movie because he's in law school right now. I also love this movie- it's so funny!