I hope so because I want to tell you something...
I watched Eclipse :)
But, to be honest, I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected. Having read the books - and really enjoyed them - I was pretty disappointed by the first film. But seeing as the second (New Moon) had a different director I expected it to improve; which it did. My enjoyment may have been aided by erm....topless guys...
Sadly though, Eclipse was not to my liking. Yeah the fight scenes were pretty darn thrilling, but it was all a bit too intense and over the top. It was obviously aimed at teenage girls, and even though I fit that target audience, I was frustrated -I'm not so shallow that Taylor Lautner has to spend two thirds of the film topless in order for me to like it.
Also, Kristen Stewart's wig annoyed me, maybe I'm just being fussy, but it did. Also, how hard would it be for Bella to smille once in a while? Everyone loves her!
I'm not saying Eclipse was unbearable, it was bearable, but only due to me having read and adored the books. Anyone seen it and liked it? I'd love to hear your thoughts :D
Gracie x
i agree, the books are way better than the movies... The movies are, umm, passable. Breaking Dawn will hopefully be the best among the four? Fingers crossed! But because i read the books first, i kept comparing it with each movie, each scene, each line, how the actors expressed their characters. Except for the first one. I watched Twilight before reading the book. I found it ok... but after I read the book, the movie went downhill...