Tuesday, 3 August 2010
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"

Tuesday, 20 July 2010
"I see Cosplay people...all the time."
But what was almost as fun as seeing famous people and buying stuff was seeing the costumes that the members of the public wore! Seriously, some were amazing, if a little weird...
Here are a few photos:
A guy dressed as Wonder Woman :/
Gracie x
Monday, 5 July 2010
"Details of your incompetence do not interest me."

"Let's take it to the limit one more time."

Saturday, 26 June 2010
"LICK ME! All of you!"

Tuesday, 22 June 2010
"Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way."

If you're looking for a dark and witty comedy, Cruel Intentions is the film for you. The story of a Sebastian (Ryan Phillipe) and Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) - stepbrother and stepsister who take delight in other people's misery. Sebastian can charm any woman into bed with him and Kathryn knows exactly how to get what she wants, and what she wants is to destroy Cecile (Selma Blair). Sebastian however, grows tired of sleeping with multiple young girls - he wants a challenge. This 'challenge' comes in the form of Annette, (Reese Witherspoon) who has sworn to stay a virgin throughout her teenage years.
They're both manipulative and will stop at nothing to get their way; they work together to bring widespread unhappiness. You'll probably find yourself hating them, but at the same time wishing you could do that...
It's a dark comedy with plenty of shocking moments, but it is very enjoyable and would appeal to most people (rated 15).
If you like this film, you'll probably like Heathers and Pretty Persuasion - both of which I would recommend.
Click here to view the trailer.
Click here to view the IMDb page.
Comments are appreciated :)
ButtonPom x
Saturday, 19 June 2010
"I'm the Slayer."

"Come play with us Danny..."

Oh and just so you know, some contain spoilers...
Friday, 18 June 2010

"Heeeere's Johnny!" ...or not...

Stanley Purbrick's The Shining is a gripping horror film and it definitely lived up to it's reputation. It's the story of Jack Torrance and his wife and son who stay in an empty hotel over winter. They are totally isolated for months on end, at first it's fun. But as time goes on, Jack begins to go mad. Also, his son happens to have something called 'the shining' where he can see the future, present and past.
Jack is supposed to get meaner and madder as the film progresses, but it seemed to me that he was pretty mean to start with. Swearing and shouting at his wife isn't exactly the sign of a sane guy. And don't even get me started on his weird hair and freaky eyebrows - ever heard of tweezers?
His wife Wendy could also use some beauty tips, does she remind anyone else of Heidi Fleiss? She's a bit of a twit as well - I hate how she puts up with how rude he is to her. Mind you, if she left the hotel as soon as he was mean to her, there wouldn't be much of a plot left...
It's actually quite a disturbing film (updated version is 15); it shows slaughtered little girls and blood gushing from a lift. The worst scene by FAR though, has to be the bathroom scene. It has a nude old woman and gore all rolled into one. This old hag takes the words 'ugly' and 'gross' to a whole new level. I don't think I'll ever visit an old people's home unaccompanied ever again :(
Also, Danny really annoyed me, I couldn't put my finger on why though. Maybe because all he did has talk to his finger, dribble, then talk to his finger some more. Or maybe because in the first version I watched Danny is adorable and actually looks like Bugs Bunny.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
"Lights, Camera, Action!"
The BBFC; a company that classifies films (decides if they're U, PG, 12 etc) have a website that's literally bursting with information about films and how they are rated. This particular site is aimed at adults, but there is a student version (which is way cooler) and a version for parents who are wondering whether a certain film is suitable for their children.
However, my personal favourite is the site designed for primary school children :D (click the image).
I know it seems rather childish but it has details of new releases, trailers, film reviews, competitions, the chance to classify your own film. It's all rather exciting...
Please check these pages out, they're all great websites and there's bound to be one that appeals to you.
Button Pom x
Thursday, 10 June 2010
"That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass."

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in Shawshank Redemption, the story of a man wrongly charged for his wife and her lover's murder. In Shawshank Prison - run by the corrupt warden - he befriends a man named 'Red' (Freeman) and their friendship blossoms.
Robbins' character - Andy Dufresne - was a hard man to relate to and understand but as the film progresses, I find myself warming to him. He's a sweet guy and I feel so bad for him. As the film goes on, he improves life for his friends in prison, and sets up a prison library through persistance and hard work. On the whole, it's quite an inspirational film about hope and the strength of frienship.
I wanted to scream at times though, the prison is so corrupt. I swear, if I ever get my hands on those prison workers...grr.
It's an emotional film and I felt quite moved. There are some quite upsetting scenes in the movie, but you don't see anything explicit. However, I do think that immature or younger children won't fully appreciate the movie.
Overall I enjoyed it immensely. The acting was fantastic, especially from the two main roles, and there was a wide variety of different people in jail. Also, a film about prison is new to me as it isn't my typical type of movie. I recommend it to everyone, male and female, old and young (well, as young as 12).
Click here to view the IMDb page.
Click here to view the trailer.
Hope you like the movie, feel free to comment :)
Button Pom x
Monday, 7 June 2010
"Some labels are best left in the closet."

"Woods comma Elle."

Click here to view the IMDb page.
Click here to see the trailer.
Comment please :D
Button Pom x
Thursday, 3 June 2010
"Hey, Luke. May the Force be with you. "

10 Reasons that Han Solo is cooler than Luke Skywalker:
1) Han has the Millenium Falcon, and Luke...doesn't.
2) Luke has a tendency to go off and sulk (Episode 5 when he struggles with Yoda's training and goes off to sit in the swamp).
3) Luke whinges ("But I was going to go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!").
4) Luke wears a YELLOW jacket at the end of the fourth film.
5) Hans Solo can understand Wookies.
6) Luke kisses his sister, on the lips. I know he didn't know she was his sister at the time, but still...
7) At the start of episode 5, when they're in the rebel base on Hoth, Luke wears a giant nappy.
8) Luke almost wets himself when he finds out Darth Vader is his dad, I'm sure Han Solo would have been way more laid back about it.
9) In the bar where the two first meet, Luke gets bullied by ugly looking creatures while Han Solo slyly shoots a bounty hunter.
10) I haven't yet counted, but I'm sure Han Solo saves Luke's life more than Luke saves his.
Disagree with me? Let me know :)
All comments are appreciated.
ButtonPom x
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
"Execute Order 66."
They like to explore new places and climb trees.
They sometimes run into trouble with giant bunnies and evil flowers :O
But they know how to deal with the problems they come across. They also enjoy climbing and abseiling down high places.
They're very competetive and so like nothing more than a decent game of tug-o-war.
The blue team put a lot of energy into it...
But the orange team normally win.
Many clones enjoy playing football, it doesn't bother them that the opposing team have a size advantage.
They celebrate each goal with style :)
I hope you've enjoyed this little insight into the life of a clone, I certainly enjoyed taking the photos :D
ButtonPom x
Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Date Movie. Possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen. I've seen the start of Epic Movie and Disaster Movie before but I stopped watching them before the end, I just couldn't bare it.
But tonight, there wasn't much on TV so I decided to give Date Movie a shot, I mean, it couldn't be that bad, could it?
Oh how wrong I was...
It starts badly, with a fat woman - Julia Jones - being 'pimped' (Pimp My Ride style) and it gets worse. There's a cat with bowel problems and a woman with a ridiculously large behind. Need I go on? At times it was so terrible that it caused me to lose almost all faith in humanity.
Another thing that upset me, was that the main character Julia, was played by Alyson Hannigan. Seriously, she can do so much better! She was in Buffy for goodness sake. Each stupid scene that she was in brought a tear to my eyes (metaphorically speaking).
The pathetic excuse for a plot line was badly strung together and I found myself not even caaring if things turned out ok for the protagonists. Tha acting was just as bad (this ofcourse excludes Alyson Hannigan) and I felt like throwing something at the television.
It's not that I have anything against slightly rude jokes and childish humour, but that's as long as it's funny. In my opinion, this movie definetely isn't. Surely you could put the money used for making this film to better use?
This film was clearly made for adolescent boys who's main interest is the 'eye-candy' (Sophie Monk). I would suggest that you don't waste your time watching it, but feel free to make up your own mind. If you disagree with me, please let me know, comments are welcome :)
To see the trailer, click here.
For a link to the IMDb page, click here.
ButtonPom x
Sunday, 30 May 2010
"Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

One of my favourite, if not my favourite, movies of all time has to be Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It may be slightly childish and rather immature, but it never fails to amuse me.
"It's 1974 Hollywood and Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins), a down-on-his-luck detective, is hired to find proof that Marvin Acme, gag factory mogul and owner of toontown, is playing hanky-panky with femme fatale Jessica Rabbit, wife of Maroon Cartoon superstar, Roger Rabbit. When Acme is found murdered, all fingers point to Roger, and the sinister, power hungry judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd) is on a mission to bring Roger to justice. Roger begs the Toon-hatin Valiant to find the real evildoer and the plot thickens as Eddie uncovers scandal after scandal and realisezes that the very existence of Toontown is at stake!"
It successfully balances silly 'Toons' for your inner child and slight adult humour (see heading). It is my perfect pick-me-up movie as I find myself laughing at how completely ridiculous it is. Also, I don't know about you, but I found myself wishing that there really was a 'Toontown' and that cartoons roamed the streets :)
I also (secretly) found myself wishing that I looked like Jessica Rabbit, you don't have to like girls to notice that she's hot :P it doesn't matter that she's freakishly out of proportion or that, logically, her barbie-like legs could never realistically support her.
Although, besides Roger, my favourite character has to be Baby Herman, there's something so hilarious about a little baby with the libido of a middle-aged man.
However I do remember, as a child, being upset by the 'dip' (the magical liquid that kills Toons) and being disturbed by the end fight of good vs. evil - the evil (Judge Doom) is pretty scary.
I would definitely reccommend this film as it's great family viewing (it's a PG for some mild violence language and sex references), and p-p-p-please let me know what you think of it.
To see the trailer, click here.
To see the IMDb page, click here.
PS) Followers are welcome :D
ButtonPom x
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
In my collection at the moment, I have a wide variety of films, from Creature Comforts (which I've had since primary school) to Disturbia; they're all organised from U to 15 (18s are a bit too extreme for me). I love having so much choice as I have a different film for (almost) every mood. It also means that I can run my finger along the DVDs and feel special :P
I have to admit though, my current assortment of movies is missing a few more 'grown-up' films (there's a possibility I've outgrown The Wild Thornberry's Movie) so I'm looking for suggestions for a good film that I can watch again and again. Any ideas would be much appreciated :D
And I'll make sure I post a photo of my new shelves once they're up.
ButtonPom x