Friday, 18 June 2010

"Heeeere's Johnny!" ...or not...

So I decided that it was about time I'd seen The Shining. I mean, I've heard people talk about it all the time and it's spoofed loads; it was time I was in on the joke.

Anyway, being the cheapo that I am - I chose to watch it on YouTube (I know, I know...I deserve disapproving looks). But, the film seemed to be divided up into 3 mini films, this really confused me but I decided to continue watching anyway...

After the film was over and I still hadn't seen Danny riding his trike, I knew something wasn't right. It turns out I watched a television program which was a remake of the original film. I was pretty annoyed, but it was still a good film/TV program.

I still felt like I had to see the proper film though so I bought it on DVD (see, I've mended my ways) and watched it today and now I can write a movie review for it :)

Stanley Purbrick's The Shining is a gripping horror film and it definitely lived up to it's reputation. It's the story of Jack Torrance and his wife and son who stay in an empty hotel over winter. They are totally isolated for months on end, at first it's fun. But as time goes on, Jack begins to go mad. Also, his son happens to have something called 'the shining' where he can see the future, present and past.

Jack is supposed to get meaner and madder as the film progresses, but it seemed to me that he was pretty mean to start with. Swearing and shouting at his wife isn't exactly the sign of a sane guy. And don't even get me started on his weird hair and freaky eyebrows - ever heard of tweezers?

His wife Wendy could also use some beauty tips, does she remind anyone else of Heidi Fleiss? She's a bit of a twit as well - I hate how she puts up with how rude he is to her. Mind you, if she left the hotel as soon as he was mean to her, there wouldn't be much of a plot left...

It's actually quite a disturbing film (updated version is 15); it shows slaughtered little girls and blood gushing from a lift. The worst scene by FAR though, has to be the bathroom scene. It has a nude old woman and gore all rolled into one. This old hag takes the words 'ugly' and 'gross' to a whole new level. I don't think I'll ever visit an old people's home unaccompanied ever again :(

Also, Danny really annoyed me, I couldn't put my finger on why though. Maybe because all he did has talk to his finger, dribble, then talk to his finger some more. Or maybe because in the first version I watched Danny is adorable and actually looks like Bugs Bunny.

Overall though, despite my ramblings, I really enjoyed it. my one complaint is that it took quite a long time for some real action to start and there were many scenes where not much at all happened - I guess I'm just really impatient. It's also quite dated, I can deal though :)

Click here to view the trailer.
Click here to view the IMDb page.

Definitely recommending this :P
If you do watch it or have seen it already, please let me know what the guy in a scary animal suit was doing to the man in a suit in the bedroom...I have my suspicions...
Comment please :D
And look out for other posts on this film.

Button Pom x

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